MALIAN Eyelash Curler For Beginner Create Sunflower-like Eyelashes Eyelash Curler 玛丽安新手必备睫毛夹 打造太阳花睫毛新手学生党必入

- RM-5.90
  • Sold out
Don't forget these...


- Unique radian specially designed for Asians’ eyes shape, more fit for curling. Not easy to clip onto eyelids.

- Beginner friendly.

- Easy to use. Handy and easy to travel with.

- Comes with gift replacement pad, to prolong the curler’s lifetime of usage.

**We will provide sufficient protection (bubble wraps and packaging bag/box) for all parcels. Please consider our Safe Packaging Guarantee if you need more protection for the products.

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